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November 17, 2006

been listenin'

With the kids, to Jessica Harper's "Hey, Picasso" album. Pretty good children's music with good beats and real instruments. Each of the songs is about a famous European painting (Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet, that sort of thing) and it's really fun to look at the paintings with accompaniment.

Mostly by myself, but sometimes with the kids, to Common Market. It's a great hip hop album that Nathan and Katie gave me to warm things up in my hour of need when the kids were sick and winter was looming large. The more I listen to it the more I like it. Hip hop can be so strengthening to my resolve to be authentic and optimistic for the future of poetry and music. There are several very touching tracks about mentoring young people and women that even make me tear up a bit. Very sweet stuff. Equally sweet is the "I've got your back" attitude that Ra'Scion raps about. I want my kids to grow up with this music.

Posted by Bahiyyih at November 17, 2006 01:23 PM

It was a pretty cool experience to be at one of their concerts at a club next to downtown Seattle, wall to wall crowd, and everybody in the place is going "Every last one of us!"

Posted by: Nathan at November 19, 2006 01:10 AM