Why Lemony?
(the “About Me” page)

February 02, 2008

me and her

It's February! Yeah! Another winter month has been slogged through. And this next one has a few fun things in it. A bridal shower, Ayyam-i-Ha, Valentine's Day, new glasses for my eyes, a weekend for myself.

And I've got my eye on the Fast (where Baha'is fast from sunrise to sundown for 19 days). I want to get myself ready for it because last year was the first year in a long time and it was REALLY hard. I have a theme to think/pray about this year during the Fast. It's women at war/women at peace. When I think about what it might be like to be me in a country that had a war going on in it, trying to get the things done that I do every day, my heart just gets all bursty and my problems just get all trivial. It makes me want to invent some huge art installation that shows how connected I am to that woman, how she is my sister.

Posted by Bahiyyih at February 2, 2008 08:48 PM

Yey for FEBRUARY!! (Quite the anticipated month for me, of course)

What a perfect theme for the Fast. It really resonates with me. If you do anything artsy with it let us know! I'd like to contribute :)

Posted by: lizabean at February 3, 2008 02:18 PM

I can't beleive I didn't put Liam on my list of happy February events! I think I can't really beleive it yet. Or maybe I secretly think he's going to be born in March. My un-official guess for his birthday is now going to be March 2nd.

Posted by: Bahiyyih at February 3, 2008 09:51 PM