Why Lemony?
(the “About Me” page)

November 06, 2006

from the front

After the exhaustion and sore muscles of caring for sick kids have eased from sleep and showers of presents from good friends and family (Thank you Bishops! And Anne! And Michael! And Frank! And Heidi + David!) comes an appreciation and keen awareness of how this experience has deepened my love for my kids and how I would do anything for them, as has been tested by my having to do things grosser than I thought I would EVER do. (I imagine Billy would add a big Uh-huh here as he did five loads of throw-up laundry in the middle of the night last night, and reports to not have actually made progress.)

Wellness update: Teresa's feeling much better today, all her meds kicking in and all. She should be recovered soon. And she's talking up a storm to make up for her quiet sick time. This morning she kept up a monologue from 4:30 to 5:30 of all the things she wanted to do as soon as she could, including walking in a flower garden with Maya and Daddy and reading all her favorite books. Maya caught the stomach bug from Teresa, but since she's had it before, she seems to be getting better quickly since emptying the contents of her stomach last night. Georgia continues to be sweet and helpful through this ordeal. Good job Georgia!

Posted by Bahiyyih at November 6, 2006 05:57 PM

It's so great to read what's going on with ya'll. I can't believe you have the flu at your house AND a broken arm on Maya! Jeez! That sure was lucky Maya didn't take Teresa down with her! Great pumpkins :) Remember our Grateful Dead pumpkin? That was cool. Nice talking Teresa, and Georgia, you're a little woman, so grown up! Everyone's been thinking of Maya and hoping she's doing all right. Lots of love your way!

Posted by: layli at November 7, 2006 09:06 AM