Why Lemony?
(the “About Me” page)

December 10, 2005

commentary on commentary

The previous post there seems to mirror my physical surroundings- everything a little disjointed, ideas/things thrown around, important events stated but not fully elaborated on/comprehended. I can't seem to make things flow/fit into boxes.

Ah, moving. Where all your stuff/ideas get shuffled like a deck of cards, silverware box next to extra blankets box under kid's papers to keep box. Sometimes it's more like 52 pick up. And how did we ever accumulate so much MISC. No more garage sales! I have actually rented a dumpster! to get rid of all the junk in the basement. An honest to gosh dumpster! You know, dumpster is a really weird word if you say it enough times.

Posted by Bahiyyih at December 10, 2005 10:15 PM

Dumpster is a weird word to say, and it's also a weird object with which to collide. Speaking as someone who has physically run into a dumpster (not in a car), I can tell you it is very strange and slightly embarrassing. Good luck with all the moving!

Posted by: Mz. Smlph at December 10, 2005 10:48 PM

What's really weird is that Dumpster is actually capitalized! I know what you mean with saying a word over and over and it sounds funny, like salt. Wow you've got a lot to do in a small amount of time. It's so cool that you're throwing stuff away because that makes unpacking that much easier! And the nice thing about your small amount of time is that you'll get the hard part over with quickly, like ripping off a Band-Aid. Lots of capitalization going on. Anyway, I send my love your way and hope you have a great move!

Lucy says, I love you Georgia and Maya, thank you for those wonderful presents. I will give you some of my creations of art things. I love you. I shall create some big animals or small animals to you but if you lose it I will give you some more or send some envelopes to you or send some cards to you. I love you, Love, Lucy, to Dear Georgia and Maya.

Posted by: Layli at December 13, 2005 11:16 AM

First David and Heidi find out about their closing date on this great Webble in the sky/basement, and now this bombshell! No more garage sales? Locked out of a critical pillar of the informal economy? Where else will we get board games with most of the original pieces for only 85 cents (bargained down from a dollar)? Unsolved spatial puzzles in zip-lock bags? Approximately-fitting shoes for the kids? Never-been-used pedometers? A Thighmaster for David's truck-cersize program (I may have promised him one)? Funny-smelling easy chairs?

I can see the public awareness campaign now: "Garage sales may seem like an inexpensive way to furnish your home, but be careful. A five-weekend-a-year habit can turn into a $250 Dumpster(tm) expense the next time you move.

"Signs of garage sale abuse: is your husband leaving for work unusually early on Friday mornings, after making suspicious five-dollar withdrawals from your checking account on Thursday afternoons?"

To be fair, I don't think I bought that water-damaged drywall at a garage sale. But the excellent sewing desk, perhaps.

Posted by: Billy at December 13, 2005 03:30 PM

Bill, maybe there's a support group you can join! :-)

Posted by: Layli at December 14, 2005 11:48 AM

Dear Bahiyyih:
Ånote of cheer about moving.. We moved so often, the kids got so they packed and unpacked their own stuff. Saved me a mess of work.

And we got rid of packs of stuff each time we moved which helped me a whole lot when I moved into a small apartment.

My heart is with you all. Its really convenient to have family moving in your old house.

Grandma Patty

Posted by: Patty at December 15, 2005 03:14 PM

Amazing! I suppose that in three and a half years Michael and Grandma and I will move into a smaller place, Zivar and Dan and one set of girls will move to Clover Lane, Bahiyyih and Bill and another set of girsl will move to Prospect Avenue, and Heidi and David and the boys will move around the corner and down a few houses. The mystery is ... who will move into the Broadway Avenue abode? Will it be Khalil?

Love, and I hope all of the moving goes well and gets finished before I come back for a quick visit. After all, i just moved in August and am still bringing "stuff" to Chicago after nearly every trip to C-U.

Love, one of the many Grandmas

Posted by: Amy Felty at December 15, 2005 08:00 PM

Im off to New york this morning.

Love you,

Posted by: Patty at December 20, 2005 04:56 AM