Why Lemony?
(the “About Me” page)

September 13, 2005

No slouches here boy...it's full out life.

So how's it going over here? Let's see...I've discovered a new level of 'busy' and am searching for a rhythm that is manageable for everything that I'm doing. I'm pleased to have a few new avenues of Baha'i service (teaching Sunday school classes and attending planning meetings for said classes as well as Local Spiritual Assembly meetings) and Georiga just started soccer with the park district twice a week and a couple new playgroups each week and an art class once a month. It's all possible since Teresa is such an agreeable baby.

If she was not, I would only be doing the LSA meetings and nothing else. But she is happy to be out and about with new people to meet and wave her arms at. And I am giddy with delight at how easily she's taking teething. She's working on her first tooth right now and I can barely tell from her behavior that it hurts! I think I'm more anxious about it than she is! I was dreading the onset of the teething phase because it meant so many sleepless nights and so much screaming and illness with the last two. Not so this time. She sleeps. She doesn't scream. She barely cries! She sqeaks a little more than usual and doesn't crow with happiness as much as usual, but that is SO manageable. Phew!

Maya seems to be having the hardest time right now, I'm not sure why. There are a lot of tantrums and hitting. Is it the increase in activity level? Is it the loss of the pool? (Closed for the year since Labor Day) It's still so hot here every day that we feel the loss of pool time acutely. When the weather turns cooler we my go to the gymnastics open gym where you can just play on the equipment, but we may have to put that off for another year or so. There's too much hanging from things involved in gymanastics and Maya has this issue with her elbow where it will sometimes get dislocated if there is a sudden tug on it. She had an episode of it again last week (it's happened about three times in the last year) and we need to make sure she doesn't do any hanging by the arms or tugging sorts of things for a year or two while her joints develop to a point where this isn't a problem any more. I wonder what little kid sport-y thing would be good for that.

In my free moments after the kids go to bed I am researching curricula and I am making interesting progress. On one hand, I'm making progress because I've waded through enough information about general schools of thought to know what resonates with me, namely Waldorf, Enki, and Oak Meadow so far, which are all similar and the second two are mostly Waldorf inspired anyways. So things are coming into focus a little, but as that happens, I can see so much more deeply just how much I don't know! There's so much to learn and many shades of difference between various curricula even within the Waldorf-inspired group. And I'm being really stubborn and only paying attention to reviews that come from sources that I trust or at least someone I know trusts, not just what anyone on the internet says, so it's taking me a while to get the whole picture. But I'm really committed to getting this right for my kids so they have what they need and I have what I need and can reasonably do with a baby in tow so I will keep at it. Right now I'm trying to discover just how much structure is needed by children to thrive so I don't try to impose too much or leave them wandering with too little. It's a lot of exciting and important stuff to think about and I have very little time for reading so mostly I read a little, try the idea behind it with the kids for a while, and see what happens. Then make judgements and explore different avenues or keep looking closer to ones that seem to fit.

I'm also making headway on the latest quilt. I sew when I need time for meditation and integrating what's going on.

That's all I better say for now- this is getting long. I feel like I just wrote a letter to someone I haven't seen in a while... So I hope you're doing well. What's going on with you?


Posted by Bahiyyih at September 13, 2005 11:07 PM

Dear ıahiyyih;
I love all the news of the kids, swimming and school and busyness. I want to thank you for a great time at youi house especiallly a chance to hold ˇeresa. Shes a sweet baby and its amazing how little she fusses. I think shes inherited her grandmas disposition. The
other girls are amazing too, so beautiful and
full of life. Where do they get the energy? I wish I knew them all better.

You and ıill are good parents and Im proud of you both. Keep up the good work.

My love tyo Khalil if you see him.

˝randma Patty

other girls are so beautiful too. You are so lucky to

otherother girls are amazing too

Posted by: Patty at September 15, 2005 12:55 PM

That sounds like really fun stuff! I'm so sorry Maya is having problems, especially the whole arm dislocation thing. Soccer sounds like a non-arm-pulling game but I guess she's too young. Did she like dance class? TTYL, Love, Layli

Posted by: Layli at September 17, 2005 08:01 PM

Hi Biyyah,

The thing I like best about Georgia's entrepreneurship is her confidence in her success. She could have her own roadside stand---great location across from the park. I'd buy tomatoes (or quilts!) any day over lemonade.

We went out to eat at lunch today, and in came a family with a child about 3 or 4 who looked SO MUCH like Georgia at those ages. I kept looking at her. Finally I told the mom why she was so interesting to us. But did I have a pictture of Georgia with me? No-o-o-o.

Maya could do the ballet thing with the touchy elbow. Or tap dancing. She might like that noise. She's such a little math girl. Maybe she's looking for some Montessori-type exercises. Or she may just want to be doing something with her teeth to match her sisters. Or maybe it's just her age. She's on the cusp of great things, but not quite able to manifest them, preschool power notwithstanding. I love her forthrightness so much.

Glad Teresa remains so calm. You and Khalil and Teresa shared those same observant personalities in babyhood. Love to see the cycles turning . . .

Much love,


Posted by: Layli at September 18, 2005 07:04 PM

wow - hugs to you & your beautiful family Bahiyyih...

Posted by: deb at October 14, 2005 07:55 AM