Billy got a couple old slides I had digitized. Here's one of them. That's me peeking out from behind Elin's head, at sixteen years old! (left to right, it's Babak, Keli, me, Elin, Shane, and Tom) The picture was taken in Guyana, South America when I was on my year of sevice- the most fun I've had EVER. I got to live with my best friend and her great family, have a rockin social life with lots of dances and hanging out, and spend my days as a servant to sweet children (doing children's classes and literacy classes) and lots of great grown-ups too (helping in big kitchens to feed everyone at Baha'i meetings). I met so many wonderful people- the group here are the rest of the yo-yos (youth year of service), as we were called. We were spread out around the whole country but came together every month for a meeting and regrouping. The rest of them had much wilder times than I did because they were older and not so sheltered. They got to confront spiders the size of your hand, living like the average Guyanese person (very poor), and being very self-reliant.
Here's a picture of National Convention in Guyana, where Baha'is from all over Guyana came together for a big meeting. There are so many wonderful servants and friends here, their lives dedicated to serving others, sacrificing so much even to be there at that meeting, so many stories behind each face. Beautiful. Some of the people here have since died, children have grown up. What are they doing now? I can only answer that for a handful of the people there.
Dear Bahiyyih:
I pray each night for Teresa and that it will be a good birth. Im so anxious to see her. She will be beautiful Im sure. Love Patty
Im so anxious to
Posted by: Patty at February 11, 2005 06:29 PM