Why Lemony?
(the “About Me” page)

February 28, 2004


That means it's the Baha'i gift-giving, being with family, serving each other time of year. Four or five days (depending on leap day) of fun and good stuff. It's been an up and down time for our little family this year because of Maya being sick and teething a molar too, poor thing, and the rest of us feeling just a little bit sick here and there. But today we're all doing great and we spent the day cleaning up and fixing up our backyard with the nifty new gardening tools Billy gave me for this fine holiday. I can say that I've never been so excited about a wheelbarrow in my life. We found more green things coming up all over the place while clearing away leaves and brush. Billy put together the kids' playground thing. I don't know what to call it. It's like really big legos that you snap together at the edges, and build a house-ish thing or a tunnel-ish thing, and then it's sturdy enough for at least little kids to play on. And when the kids got tired of that, we went for a picnic in the park across the street from our house. We had a great spring reunion with the swings and slide and monkey bars that we haven't seen since fall.

Ooops, Maya just woke up from her nap screaming with teething pain, gotta go.

Ok, after a bottle (bahm boom) of Winnie the Pooh juice (they put calcium in apple juice now, bless them) and a little cuddling and rocking, Maya is soothed and I'm back. There are parties galore happening around here this Ayyam-i-Ha, so we're off to play. Here are some pictures of Maya on the swings- she's already figured out the idea of pumping! She's got the coordination already, she just needs slightly longer legs. She's so cute doing such a big girl thing at age 1 and a half. She's been excitedly trying out the potty too. Yee-haw!




Here are the girls finding themselves in mommy's magna-doodles.


Here are some pictures of the Ayyam-i-Ha party at Katie and Martha's house!




Posted by Bahiyyih at February 28, 2004 04:52 PM

Dear Bakers,

It was wonderful seeing you today. Thanks bunches for the pictures of Maya onna swing. So cool that she gets the pumping thing!

The cake is so beautiful!

Best picture of Martha ever!!!!

Goding, Peggy. Raising Children as Peacemakers. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1989.

Love you,


Posted by: debbie at February 29, 2004 03:37 PM

Great pictures! Happy Ayyam-i-Ha!

Posted by: Layli Elena at February 29, 2004 09:00 PM

You and Maya were really missed at our party!!!! Blessed fast to everyone.

Posted by: miss martha at March 1, 2004 12:54 PM

oh, and everyone should know that Georgia took the photo of me... isnt she good?????

Posted by: miss martha at March 1, 2004 12:55 PM