I'm starting a weblog because I seem to have a lot to say stored up in my head. I spend a large part of my days with little children and usually no adults with which to share the wacky journey of my life, so I think this will be a good way for me to connect with friends and family in town and far away.
Thanks goes to Husayn here for showing himself in his weblog- I love the idea of weblog as community builder. A place to talk in a totally non-threatening, un-self-conscious environment. It seems to me that this is a good way for moms at home especially to get together and talk about what's going on without having to drag the kids anywhere and without having to schedule anything.
This weblog was brought to you by Billy, my husband, who is a computer guru and stayed up all night installing a new hard disk, configuring the blah blah blah (insert relevant computer jargon here) and I don't know what all so that I could have this. I love you.
Posted by Bahiyyih at January 17, 2004 01:07 AMNot all night, actually -- not even very late. Instead, I kinda woke up early and couldn't sleep. But you're welcome! I'm excited, too. Heck, I got to buy a 120GB disk as part of the deal! So there's plenty of room for everyone's comments ...
Posted by: Billy at January 17, 2004 01:22 AMHa ha! I'm so glad you started this! I'm really excited to hear what you're going to say.
I loved "configuring the blah blah blah." I'm loving the comments. Thank you for the energy, Bahiyyih and Billy.
Posted by: Susan Engle at January 20, 2004 08:15 PM